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[OM] IMG: Wroclaw

Subject: [OM] IMG: Wroclaw
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:03:31 +0200
Finally, my travelling this half-year is coming to an end, allowing me to 
process the photos. On my way home from Warsaw in mid-June, I stopped for a 
couple of days in Wrocław in SW Poland, to visit my sister there. In contrast 
to my visit there in March, the weather was nice, and the city was very lively. 
I was there from Thursday evening till Saturday lunchtime, so not as many 
pictures as I would normally have, but I visited a new (to me) place, a 16th 
century bastion near the city moat, which functioned as a German military 
headquarters in the spring of 1945 when the German defenders of the city fought 
to the bitter end—Hitler had declared the city “Festung Breslau” that must 
never surrender, and as a result most of the centre was completely destroyed. 
Today the bastion and surrounding area has been nicely restored and constitutes 
a lovely green space in the heart of this city of 700,000 people. A small 
gallery is here:


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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