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[OM] More geotagging conundrums

Subject: [OM] More geotagging conundrums
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 20:07:50 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Starting using Lightroom to geotag images instead of Geosetter as few conflicts 
if time zones need to be offset.   The weird thing is I can't seem to have the 
exif data in the time zone it was taken and line up with the GPX files.  I 
don't really want the images to reflect EDT in Massachusetts, but the time 
taken in Ireland.  They tag OK if I offset the time taken by 5 hours.  The 
camera time in the OM-1 was set properly to Ireland time--haven't tried the 
Sony yet.  My images seem to be set back to EDT but not the GPX--just the 
opposite of what they say below!   Moose doesn't have this trouble because all 
are downloaded and geotagged while traveling.  Someone must have solved this 
problem.  I don't know if setting my computer to another time zone would work.  
I suppose I should be happy they are geotagged and leave it, but that isn't me. 
 Changing the time in exif in one field can be hazardous as can cause conflicts 
and confuse mapping programs.  Don't ask how I know.   Any ideas?Excerpted from 
the link below:
"If you’ve synced your GPS and cameras to UTC, be aware of the difference in 
how GPX files handle time zones vs the camera’s EXIF metadata. GPX files have 
the time zone embedded in them. EXIF metadata records the time in the time zone 
that your camera is set to, but does not actually record the time zone itself 
in the metadata. In other words, the GPX file sees the time stamp as 
“2022-04-11 15:21 UTC”, while the EXIF metadata in the camera only sees 
“2022-04-11 15:21”.  Why is this important, you ask? Because when you offload 
the GPX file to your computer, your computer automatically converts its 
timestamp back to local time.


Can't we have where AND when?  Mike
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