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Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 19/5/2024: Douglas in Dublin

Subject: Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 19/5/2024: Douglas in Dublin
From: Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 21:53:24 +0100
Thanks for the images, Nathan. If you have a few days in Dublin, you will
no doubt be encouraged to visit the Guinness Storehouse - but I suggest you
also put the Roe & Co distillery (on the Guinness site) on your "to do"
list. It's designed to cater for visits as much as to produce really
interesting whiskies, and your camera could be put to good use. They also
have a great cocktail bar looking down on the stills!

For good eating and great craic, try Spitalfields on The Coombe. You will
need to book, I suspect, but that tells you what you need to know!


On Sun, 19 May 2024, 23:06 Nathan Wajsman, <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I am spending a few days in Ireland this week, beginning today, when I
> flew to Dublin in the morning and took advantage of the opportunity to meet
> up with fellow LUGger Douglas. The last time we met here, in 2019, the
> weather was wet and nasty. In contrast, today was lovely, and we spent a
> couple of pleasant hours together.
> We started by visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral, a place I had never been
> to:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/All/Picture-A-Day/i-wGHHxvH/A
> We continued our conversation at one of Dublin’s classic pubs, the Doheny
> & Nesbitt’s:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/All/Picture-A-Day/i-NWWvhBZ/A
> After that, Douglas dropped me off near the riverbank, and I walked there
> a bit and had a bit at a nice restaurant, the Winding Stairs. Afterwards,
> the sun had set and I photographed one of Dublin’s best-know landmarks, the
> Ha’penny Bridge:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/All/Picture-A-Day/i-LGRR8hF/A
> And now I am back at my hotel, doing pictures.
> More to come.
> Cheers,
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> Alicante, Spain
> http://www.frozenlight.eu <http://www.frozenlight.eu/>
> http:// <http://www.greatpix.eu/>www.greatpix.eu
> PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws <
> http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws>Blog: http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/ <
> http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/>
> Cycling: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator <
> http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator>
> Слава Україні! Героям слава!
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