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[OM] IMG: London

Subject: [OM] IMG: London
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 06:30:12 +0200
I was in London for a couple of days in late April, invited to participate in a 
workshop at London Metropolitan University by a former trainee who is now a 
lecturer there, a very gratifying experience in itself. Since the Brexit vote 
in 2016 we have no had any formal cooperation with UK government agencies, 
including the UK Intellectual Property Office, so I have not had any business 
trips to London in recent years. I have been to the UK a couple of times during 
those 8 years, most recently our trip to Scotland a couple of years ago, but 
this was my first visit to London since March 2016, and I very much enjoyed to 
be back. I have earlier posted the art I saw at Tate Modern and the National 
Portrait Gallery. This new gallery is a collection of images from fairly 
“standard” places like the St. Paul’s area, Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square etc., 
but there are also quite a few from the Southampton Row / Holborn area where I 
chose to stay because I know and like that part of London. I particularly 
enjoyed the urban parks there, Russell Square and Red Lion Square. 83 images 
can be seen here:


And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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