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Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle

Subject: Re: [OM] Juvenile Bald Eagle
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 15:13:45 -0900
Terrific picture!

A year or two ago the local landfill changed how they cover the new
trash so that had a huge impact on the bald eagles around here. I
almost never see them now once the river is iced over. Also, ever
since our toy poodle made the welcomed decision to move back to Iowa,
the eagles don't circle over the house anymore.

A couple weeks ago I took a lady friend on a date down to Seward.
Typical mutual "girl crush" type of date so we had other priorities,
but I did get a few pictures with the Olympus E-M1mk2. However, it was
too stinking cold (-15F) to spend too much time taking pictures. But
as is typical down in Seward, Kenai, and Homer, the eagles were
everywhere. The wind was whipping off the water so they were mostly

AK Schnozz
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