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[OM] T10 Ring Flash.

Subject: [OM] T10 Ring Flash.
From: Brian Gray via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 21:29:19 +0000
Cc: Brian Gray <bsg017@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Looking in the back of a cupboard for something else, I found a box
containing my old Ring Flash and pouch.  It has not been used for 20+ years
(since my OM2-SP died) and I have no idea if it is still in working order
although I have just removed the batteries and can confirm that there is
only a hint of corrosion initiating on one terminal.
Is anyone interested for the cost of postage and, if they do find it is
usablem a small contribution to charity in their country?  I feel it would
be a pity to bin it without asking.
Brian Gray
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