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[OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 52: end of year rides and a visit to Alicante's m

Subject: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 52: end of year rides and a visit to Alicante's modern art museum
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2024 07:47:26 +0100
Back in 2000, Kyle Cassidy challenged us on the LUG to spend less time talking 
about equipment and more time taking pictures, something I took to heart. In 
January 2001, I started my Picture-A-Week, using a template provided by Kyle 
(who was much more proficient at creating websites than most of us). I later 
(in 2006) changed the format to a Wordpress blog, but I have kept at it ever 
since. So the blog for the last week of 2023 concludes my 23rd year of posting 
PAWs. It has the usual cycling activities and a visit to the city’s modern art 
museum, a place I would visit more often if they had more temporary 
exhibitions. It is all here:


And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated. You will note 
that the Christmas period itself is not reflected at all—this is because we 
spent the days December 23rd-26th in Marrakesh, our first ever trip to Morocco, 
and I am still processing the hundreds of photos I took in this wonderful city, 
to which I intend to return in April or May.


Nathan Wajsman


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