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[OM] IMG: I shot a roll of slide film!

Subject: [OM] IMG: I shot a roll of slide film!
From: MICHAEL GORDON via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 21:58:03 -0400
Cc: MICHAEL GORDON <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Excellent job exercising  your 4t and some classic Zuikos.  I’ll admit to being 
rusty shooting slide film.  I had a roll of Ektachrome 100 frozen from before 
it was temporarily discontinued and it was fun using it though I made some 
predictably erroneous exposure decisions. I just looked at B&H and it is up to 
$22.00 per roll!

A perfectly on topic post with nice images as a bonus. 

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