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[OM] IMG: Lublin

Subject: [OM] IMG: Lublin
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2023 23:56:26 +0200
A couple of weeks ago I spent a few days in Lublin in eastern Poland. I was 
invited there by the local university to give some lectures at their 
international summer school. That part went very well. But what was truly 
special about this trip was to go back to my roots. My father was born in 
Lublin. The city was more than 1/3 Jewish before the war, and it was the major 
center of Jewish learning in Eastern Europe. All this came to an end in 1939, 
and the vast majority of Lublin’s Jews perished in the Holocaust. Among them 
was my father’s younger brother Natan, an uncle whom I never got to know. So 
this was more than an ordinary tourist visit. At the same time, Lublin is an 
attractive, vibrant town of 350,000 people, and it is a nice illustration of 
the new Poland that has arisen from the ruins of Communism after 1989. A 
gallery of 100 images is here:



Nathan Wajsman


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