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Re: [OM] IMG: Wroclaw last week

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Wroclaw last week
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2021 07:01:46 -0700
At 8/20/2021 01:28 AM, Nathan wrote:

>I spent most of last week in WrocÅ?aw, the city in Poland where I was born and 
>where my sister still lives with her husband. In contrast with my previous 
>visit there, in October 2020, the weather was beautiful this time, and my 
>daughter and I spent a lot of time walking around the city. For her it was 
>especially interesting since she had not been there since she was a little 
>girl, 6 or 7 years old (she is now 27). I took lots of pictures, and there 
>will be in particular a separate collection of Polish modern art that we saw, 
>as well as my usual people-and-detail oriented weekly blog, when the time 
>comes. But here is a gallery of the city itself, as we saw it during those 
>four days:
>WrocÅ?aw is a much changed city, compared to when I lived there as a small boy 
>in the 1960s or even compared to my visits there in the 1990s and 2000s. While 
>hints of Communist-era drabness are still there, it is now very much a modern, 
>vibrant and international city of 700,000 people on Poland's western edge.
>As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.

Some nice images in this set. I get the sense this trip inspired your creative 


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