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Re: [OM] olympus Digest, Vol 154, Issue 20

Subject: Re: [OM] olympus Digest, Vol 154, Issue 20
From: Lawrence Woods <lmwoods@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 15:40:50 -0400
> On 8/19/2021 21:36:14 +0200, Philippe <photo.philippe.amard@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

What?s a Zony? curious minds want to nose

Le 19 ao?t 2021 ? 00:16, Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>  a ?crit :

A camera with a centered
view finder, such as my Zony,

That's the camera Peter Lupus used to take surveillance pictures while sitting in a panel 
truck with a big sign on the side saying "Gaz Kompani"

Too obscure or dated?  It's a reference to the 1970's TV version of Mission 
Impossible.  They always were running around in unnamed eastern European 
countries that didn't know the difference between S and Z.

        ----- Larry Woods

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