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Re: [OM] Photoessay: OM Zuiko 50mm ƒ/8 Reflex

Subject: Re: [OM] Photoessay: OM Zuiko 50mm ƒ/8 Reflex
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 23:52:27 -0700
On 7/23/2021 11:01 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
This thing never ceases to amaze me! A hand-held 700mm-equivalent candid 
portrait lens!

Great fun!

Caveats about that lens, though. It's a gorgeous piece of MF era tech. but it's not optically outstanding. At least my mint copy isn't. Not bad, but not outstanding.

Much better contrast than my Sigma 600/8. But, as you point out, that doesn't matter these days. Correct the contrast, and it's about the same resolution.

Yes, it's amazingly compact, but not nearly as optically good as the huge older 
600/6.5, in resolution as well as bokeh.

Also not as good as the PLeica 100-400 @ 400 - 800 mm eq. on µ4/3, by quite a 

Also not significantly better than the 1" sensor Sony Rx10IV, which weighs about the same as an E-M5x and a bit less than an E-M1 II, with 500/8 mounted. And that's an amazingly versatile camera.

These opinions are based on real tests @ about 1:40. Sony A7 on sturdy tripod 
for the FF lenses, remote release.

I think it's great - but can't find a place in my photography to use it. 🙁

Fondly Only Moose


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