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[OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 53: good riddance to 2020

Subject: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 53: good riddance to 2020
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 19:38:36 +0100
The last weekly blog of the year is mainly about enjoying the outdoors, whether 
cycling or walking around, and of course celebrating the New Year in the 
subdued fashion forced upon us by the virus. Still, I think there are some nice 
images there, but you be the judge. There is even a flying dog!


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated. This completes my 
20th year of posting PAWs. 


Nathan Wajsman

Alicante, Spain
http://www.frozenlight.eu <http://www.frozenlight.eu/>
http:// <http://www.greatpix.eu/>www.greatpix.eu
PICTURE OF THE WEEK: http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws 
<http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws>Blog: http://nathansmusings.wordpress.com/ 

Cycling: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/belgiangator 


"I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right"

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