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[OM] Heeeere Moosie Moosie Moosie

Subject: [OM] Heeeere Moosie Moosie Moosie
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 19:47:08 -0800
A couple of days ago a moose (not our Moose) had a pair of calves. All
three are hanging out right along the main highway going into
Anchorage. When I drove in, they were only a few feet away from the
shoulder, chowing away on the grass.

By mid afternoon, they were over by the fence next to the bike trail
that runs alongside the highway. For those who know the
location--right at the Ft. Richardson sign. Of course, the bike trail
is popular and busy... ...and momma was certainly in protection mode.

Here is a link to the facebook feed that is posted. Just random sample
along the way and you'll see a couple of horribly cute little babies
and momma doing what momma moose do.

If you skip to about 10 minutes from the end, you'll see some serious
action. I think I might avoid bicycling on that trail for a few days.
The camera crew captured video of the moose charging a bicyclist and
the poor guy hit the dirt. After a couple of minutes, the crew
realized the seriousness of the situation and drove their vehicle over
and blocked the moose from further attack. Well, sorta.

This remains an active situation.


AG Schnozz
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