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[OM] Fresh Snow and Clearing Storm #3

Subject: [OM] Fresh Snow and Clearing Storm #3
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2017 10:21:21 -0800
And then it got colorful. The sunset was directly behind me and the
reddish light was crawling right up the mountainside. As with the
others, this was taken from the house. This certainly isn't Iowa.


Canon 6D with OM Zuiko 300/4.5 lens. The scene was changing so rapidly
that I didn't have a chance to grab a tripod or monopod, so all were
handheld--braced against a railing or roof support. I took 491
pictures during this sunset. I'll share at least another 100 before
I'm done. ;)


Ken Norton
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