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Re: [OM] Donald. (Duck)

Subject: Re: [OM] Donald. (Duck)
From: "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2017 11:09:37 -0500
But remember, cats do have evolution, and if cats develop thumbs, our civilization is over.

-----Original Message----- From: Chris Trask
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:15 AM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion ; Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] Donald. (Duck)

    Can't happen.  Cats don't have thumbs.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
    - Hunter S. Thompson

I would be more alarmed if cats had guns.

I have been in America. Kids have guns. I am alarmed.

I am often in Brussels and Paris, both places where one sees lots of armed
soldiers and police at the airports, outside the EU institutions where I
spend much of my time in Brussels, and in other sensitive locations. Their
presence does not alarm me; it reassures me.

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