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Re: [OM] Zuikofest - Grand Tetons

Subject: Re: [OM] Zuikofest - Grand Tetons
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2016 16:31:08 -0600
I should add one more location for serious consideration. I had
initially rejected it for a couple of reasons, but am having
significant second thoughts.

6. Shadow Mountain. It's above Antelope Flats, is vehicle accessible,
has National Forest unregulated camp sites off of the trail and is
about directly across the valley from Grand Teton itself. A very good
profile view of the Tetons from up off the valley floor itself. Will
need to do multi-image stitches to get a full pano as it is much
closer to the range than everything but Blacktail Butte. Like the
Snake River Overlook, it's not absolutely dead-centered, it's close
enough for gov' work. There is a significant trail system on Shadow
Mountain, so the ability to get away from a dense outcropping of
tripods is more likely.

As I'll probably be travelling with SWMBO, this is a front runner location.

AG Schnozz
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