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Re: [OM] Two cameras

Subject: Re: [OM] Two cameras
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 19:19:09 -0400
See the discussion of "anti-shock" setting on page 89 of the EM-5 user's manual. It was probably set on "anti-shock" as you received it from me. Of course, the E-M5 also has very effective in-body IS which also helps keep the camera steady. You should be able to outdo the E-1 on vibration/shake control.

Chuck Norcutt

On 9/27/2016 4:14 PM, bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

During this last week I have photographed some stunning magnolia

Pics will have to wait until after I have the larger HDD
installed in this new computer.

However; I noticed that the reds from
the E M5 did not match what I remembered. So, also remembering that the
E-1 has a good reputation for red rendition, the next day I carried out
a comparative simultaneous test of the E-1 and the E M5. What
immediately caught my attention was not the colour rendition, but the
feel of the cameras while shooting hand-held.

The E-1, with its
combination of solid substantial weight and small light mirror, had so
little vibration on exposure that it was nearly imperceptible. The E M5
in contrast had a distinct vibration, which surely can come only from
the shutter. This probably has implications for the use of this micro
series Olympus cameras.


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