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Re: [OM] The Gang, through The Straw Hat

Subject: Re: [OM] The Gang, through The Straw Hat
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:51:59 -0800
On 1/22/2016 7:58 AM, Tina Manley wrote:
That looks much, much better.  What are  you using for noise removal?  I
have tried Define, Noise Ninja, Noiseware, and Neat Image and they all
leave too many artifacts for me.

What I did was very simple.

NeatImage, Auto profile, then filter settings:
Noise Levels, High = +85, all others zero.
NR Amounts, High & Mid = 100%, Low = 65%, Y = 65%, Cr & Cb = 100%
Very Low Freq. = on
No resharpening

(Settings would, of course, be different for the original size 
image.Noise/grain size does matter for NR.)

This is on a PS level, masked black, then painted in on her skin, more on the 
darkest parts, less to none elsewhere.

Then a little sharpening, again masked, and applied only to eyes.

Are you just using default settings in the NR tools? And over the whole image? Should you, perhaps, learn how to use one or two NR tools thoroughly?

The original Kodachrome is dark.  I have uploaded a straight, untouched
scan here:  http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/162389186   If you hit
Original, you can see it huge.

I looked at that one, and came up with pretty much the same effect on her skin. It looks different otherwise, as it doesn't have the other stuff you did.

Smoother Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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