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Re: [OM] more Scotland

Subject: Re: [OM] more Scotland
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 20:50:12 -0700
I revisited the Rannoch Moor stitch and tweaked it a bit more as you suggested Chuck. See what you think now. Definitely a tradeoff between more detail and the moody rain.


before: <http://www.interisland.net/watershed/mike/Scotland/RannochMoor_0784-86a.jpg>

FWIW I am in the middle of reading John Preeble's book, "Glencoe, A Story of the Massacre". What an amazingly complex and fluid web of war and alliance. Rannoch Moor was a key connector.


I couldn't help msyelf but play a little bit with the first one in ACR.
   Pull the black level down to zero and then boost the clarity and
saturation and it sings a more vibrant tune.

Chuck Norcutt

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