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Re: [OM] LR CC 2015.1

Subject: Re: [OM] LR CC 2015.1
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:10:43 -0700
On 7/5/2015 4:43 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
I have no idea why this is so, but I have noticed something about PS and LR
in the CC versions.  When I open them directly through the CC connections
on my computer, they work blazingly fast and immediately connect to
plug-ins and external disks.  When I open them through desktop shortcuts or
Windows Explorer, they are excruciatingly slow, take ages to connect to any
plug-ins, I get boxes saying plug-ins did not install, the program is not
responding, etc.

Your experience is not universal. I do not have CC running except when I need it. I start PS mostly through FastStone, occasionally via a shortcut on my ancient MSOffice sidebar. I have started LR a handful of times since the update, always via a shortcut.

I've never had any trouble, quick opening, no errors, all plug-ins there, etc.

I have no idea what your trouble is or what may be causing it, but it may be a 
unique/unusual problem.

No Prob Moose

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