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Re: [OM] Open Gate

Subject: Re: [OM] Open Gate
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 20:37:06 +0200
And at least one saying I like it as it is  - IanW

On 25/06/15 20:28, Ken Norton wrote:

LOL, OK, so I have one "turn down the volume of of the sky" and one
"turn down the volume of the foreground". I think I'll leave it be
this time around. I would have toned the whole thing down, but it will
do well on metal. When compared to the original unedited one, it is
certainly way over the top. But without the comparative, it doesn't
look half bad.

But as my history indicates, I'll never print it the same way twice.

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