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Re: [OM] A Cadillac Covered in Pennies

Subject: Re: [OM] A Cadillac Covered in Pennies
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2015 13:48:49 -0500
Nice shot, and a nice job covering the Caddy.

He's got me beat. I packed a bunch of pennies into the base of a lamp, to make it more stable. Fairly cheap ballast, and more environmentally friendly than lead. :-)

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 6/6/2015 1:38 PM, Chris Crawford wrote:
Yesterday evening, I went to the opening of an art exhibit at Artlink in
Fort Wayne that includes some of my work. This 1949 Cadillac, which is
completely covered in pennies, was sitting in the parking lot!


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