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[OM] Image sizes for Zone-10 gallery [was Paul's PAW - Bonus photo!]

Subject: [OM] Image sizes for Zone-10 gallery [was Paul's PAW - Bonus photo!]
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2015 22:13:28 -0700
On 4/1/2015 4:09 PM, Paul Braun wrote:
Thanks, Moose. I almost walked out to the point and did a pano spread, but
it was really dense and you probably wouldn't have seen anything on the far
shore. Plus I was running late for work.

Paul, Jim and probably someone(s) else. Posting an image just slightly larger than your gallery is set for results in the gallery performing it's own, often less than ideal, downsizing. And from my viewpoint, disappointment when I click for the larger version, and it hardly is.

The Gallery editing function allows one to set a larger default image display size. For example, Paul, Edit Album=>Resized Images with an image size of 1024x900 checked as Active, would result in your original uploaded image being shown full size, just as you created it, with no click for larger icon.

That's how I have mine set, so my usual sizes of 1024 horizontal or 900 
portrait always display as I want.

I'm not speaking to those, like Philippe, who choose to display a rather small initial image, then have a much larger size available.

Hoping to be Useful Moose

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