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Re: [OM] At the Museums

Subject: Re: [OM] At the Museums
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 10:33:39 -0500
> Hmm. No, I think you are right. Internal processing in my AW4416 is 32

In case anybody is wondering what I'm talking about:


It's a full-featured recording studio in a box (just limited on
channel count, mostly). The software ergonomics for editing are pretty
horrid, but you can do just about anything you can do in anything
else. No computers necessary. It's also solid as a concrete block and
100% reliable in live sound application. Certainly nothing I would say
about most computer-based systems. I have the WAVES Y56K effects
module installed too. That gives me a gob of ADAT I/O too.

My only major issue with it is the lack of SMPTE Time-code. It's got
Midi/MTC, but no SMPTE. I usually end up laying down a SMPTE stripe on
a channel and use it as the control master when doing sound for video.
If I did more of it, I would buy a converter to do the syncing. Alas,
since most of these projects are non-income, I just use what I have.
And they don't come along often enough to worry about.

Ken Norton
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