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Re: [OM] TOP - DxO Gives OM-D High Marks

Subject: Re: [OM] TOP - DxO Gives OM-D High Marks
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:21:13 -0400
And how does that affect manual mode?

Chuck Norcutt

On 9/25/2012 5:17 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Agreed. DXO seemed to hold up the report as they didn't quite believe
> the findings. The sony sensor with Oly's secret sauce seem to really
> surpass the MFTcompetition and even Canyon APS-C. Interesting to
> compare to the new Nex though. Sony likely will use a denser CFA and
> perhaps higher ISO will suffer but color rendition a bit more
> accurate--but no complaints with the OM-5. Curiously it is clear the
> OM-D does have a true easily accessable ISO 100---it is called ISO
> "200" ;-) ---see quote below .
> "Dynamic range: At 1.7EV higher, the OM-D beats the Panasonic cameras
> hands-down. This is a significant gain. As seen on the chart, the
> dynamic progression for the G3/GX1 starts to stagnate at 800 ISO,
> whereas that of OM-D E-M5 continues to increase in amplitude, achieving
> 12.3EV at 200 ISO (a sensitivity that actually translates to 107 ISO)."
> The CHDK hack will allow one to see the "true ISO" as the cam must
> actually know this and not the dial setting.
> Standard, what standard?  Mike
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