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Re: [OM] OT: Daft

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Daft
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 13:56:59 -0600
> I hve non smelly feet. My wife and elder daughter however......always say it
> is their leather shoes smelling NOT their feet. This is patently untrue (he
> says glancing around to make sure no one can read his messages.)

This past summer I started wearing sandals. The sole is that neoprene
rubber material--not leather. Well, it took a few days and I'm
smelling something kinda funky. Realized it was my sandals and feet. A
couple days later it was making my 105 mile one-way commute rather
disturbing. I recognized the odor since my wife used to have it back
in the day when she had to wear nylons and dress shoes all the time.

So, a quick bit of research and I was able to determine the cause and
cure to the problem. So every couple of weeks now, I soak the surface
in Lysol. Before they are dry, I'll spray them a little more and then
dump some baking soda on them and rub in it a bit. In the morning I
brush it all off and am left with a pleasant smelling and
bacteria-free place to put my freshly washed feet.

Way back when I was doing a lot of running and bicycle racing, the in
thing was to buy running and bicycling shoes that didn't require
socks. Nice in theory, horrible in execution. Those got so nasty
smelling that you had to run fast just to stay ahead of the odor. Any
time you had to stop for traffic or to stretch, you risked sudden
death from the smell. It really wasn't understood then that the odor
control was a three step process: Kill the Bacteria, dry the
sub-surface so it wouldn't support continued bacteria development, and
absorb the remaining smells. Using a Lysol type product took care of
only 1/3 of the problem Baking Soda took care of only 2/3 of the
problem. In combination all three issues can be addressed.

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