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Re: [OM] Photoshop future upgrades

Subject: Re: [OM] Photoshop future upgrades
From: Paul Laughlin <pelaughlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:57:16 -0800
Sure is.  Look what they pay for some of those high end animation 
programs, such as Maya.  And then add in the expensive add on programs.  
This thing looks to me like Adobe is just getting in line with what the 
other developers have already been doing.  Microsoft, for example.
Adobe has had one of the most lenient upgrade systems in cyberspace.  
Very few, if any, have been allowing an upgrade from any but the last 
version.  Now it will be that way from Adobe.  For those that have CS2, 
CS3, or CS4, they have put on a 20% discount on the upgrade to CS5 or 
CS5.5, in order for them to get prepared for the upgrade to CS6.  High, 
yes, but a lot less than buying the software outright.
And there is always Photoshop Elements, which is not bad in it's own 
right.  I could probably get by with it, but doubt that it would work 
any where a well for photo restoration.
Paul in Portland OR

On 11/13/2011 4:52 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> That's peanuts for design firms. Who else would need all that stuff?
> --Bob

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