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[OM] Domain name change, dementia.org to dementix.org

Subject: [OM] Domain name change, dementia.org to dementix.org
From: Mark Dapoz <md@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 18:52:47 +0200
In the next few days the dementia.org domain will have a new owner and all of 
the contents of the olympus.dementia.org web site will be moving to the new 
dementix.org domain.  The old contents will remain intact and will be 
accessible via the new olympus.dementix.org address, please update all of your 
links to point to this new address as the old address will likely stop working 
sometime next week.

Likewise my old email address md@xxxxxxxxxxxx will be changing to 

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