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Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 14/2/2010: Taco is 10 years old

Subject: Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 14/2/2010: Taco is 10 years old
From: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 04:05:50 -0800 (PST)
If you really want to do this, you should do it on May 24th and go on a date 
tonight instead, Carlos...:)
(and besides, I wouldnt trust a russian camera for anything important, such as 
taking pictures...:)
BTW, saints Cyril and Methodius did not invent the Cyrillic Alphabet.  They 
invented the Glagolitic Alphabet, which was used by their disciples to create 
the Bulgarian alphabet.
Today, the Bulgarian Alphabet is wrongly referred to as a Cyrillic by Western 
schollars...but we Slavs are understanding and very forgiving people, among 
other things...:)
Original message:
Hi Nathan and all,

From: Nathan Wajsman (photofrozenlight.eu)
> It may be Valentine's Day,

Yes, but it's also the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, evengelizers among
the Slavic people and creators of the Cyrillic alphabet... so I'll devote
this day to take pictures with a Russian camera -- my Zorkii-4 and Jupiter-3
are ready for action! :-)

> but more importantly, it is Taco's birthday today:

Nice! But that's not surprising... what else could be a cat's favourite
daytime "activity"?


Carlos J. Santisteban Salinas
IES Turaniana (Roquetas de Mar, Almeria)

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