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Re: [OM] IMG: Angels-02

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Angels-02
From: Philippe Amard <philippe.amard@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 09:45:59 +0100
Thank you Dawid - this is what I call positive criticism and I think you 
are right.
I sense I'll learn a lot from the list.

Bien cordialement de Metz

Dawid Loubser wrote:

>I like colours on the angel, and thew selective focus. What I  
>absolutely dislike is the
>part of the car in the lower left corner - perhaps composing the shot  
>differently to keep
>the car either outside of the field of view, or fully inside, would  
>have been better?
>I also don't like the areas of the background which are entirely blown  
>out to white, it's
>a bit distracting for me in this shot - softer transitions would have  
>focused attention on
>the angel a bit more I think.
>So - I really liked Angel 01 a lot more, on all fronts - composition,  
>tones, and light.
>On 13 Nov 2009, at 9:14 AM, Philippe Amard wrote:
>>A second is up, unless flown away.
>>(can be wiewed larger - gear in exif)
>>C&C welcome as usual
>>Bien cordialement de Metz
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