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Re: [OM] Time to ask this question - batteries for OM-1?

Subject: Re: [OM] Time to ask this question - batteries for OM-1?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 16:19:37 -0700
John Hermanson wrote:
> Amazing, I had the same problem with them and it seems like years ago. I 
> can't believe that site is still up and taking money!

I sent a little money a few months ago. Long after I'd given up, 
batteries arrived. I suspect it's an individual who collects orders 
until there are enough to justify a wholesale buy, then distributes them.

Not appealing, but, at least in my experience, not outright dishonest. I 
won't be buying from there again, though.

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