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[OM] 2Mp is enough

Subject: [OM] 2Mp is enough
From: Brian Gray <brian.gray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 21:10:34 +0000
G McGrath said <The only attraction pure pixel count has for me is in 
being able to crop  more radically>

Is this not potentially more useful than you make it sound.  If one 
tries to photograph birds without building hides and devoting hours 
to the project the ability to crop radically must surely, at the very 
least, enable you to use a significantly shorter focal length lens.

A relative was visited by a white guinea fowl and used her Olympus 
mju1200 to take a grab shot of it on the fence of her back garden. 
When cropped drastically to isolate the bird, this still showed the 
feathers of the crest and that it was not an albino.

This does not contradict any of the arguments relating to variation 
of pixel sensitivity etc with pixel size, but as the guinea fowl is 
not a small bird, suggests the less expert among us could use all the 
pixels available for smaller targets if the price in money and lost 
performance were not unacceptable.  Or am I missing something?

Perhaps I should say that I am still using film with an OM2SP and 
Zuiko lenses from 24 to 500 mm but anticipate being forced to go 
digital before long, if only because of the increasing difficulty in 
getting film processed and prints supplied in an acceptable manner 
-  I have had to change my preferred local outlet twice in the last 
year as the processors reduced the contents of their 'package'.

Brian Gray

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