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Re: [OM] Any comment for Letiz 50mm F4.5 enlarge lens?

Subject: Re: [OM] Any comment for Letiz 50mm F4.5 enlarge lens?
From: "Daniel Sepke" <daniel.sepke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 08:19:12 -0500

My personal preference is for Schneider lenses in the darkroom though you
will find excellent lenses from Rodenstock, Nikon and Leitz. With regard to
your specific lens it is not one I have used myself but I would imagine it
will be good enough to get started with. 

As with almost all enlarging lenses the prices are very depressed at the
moment so you can easily find the top tier of each maker. Some enlarging
lenses are prized as taking lenses in specialist disciplines such as UV and
macro photography. Models to look for in the Schneider brand are the
Componon-S and in Rodenstock the Rodogon. In the latter case it is worth
seeking out the APO versions though they are more expensive still. In most
cases I believe you will find that newer model lenses will perform better
(higher resolution, sharper, better contrast) than older models. I would
recommend that once you are comfortable with the darkroom process you then
begin to experiment with your options.

As far as a recommendation for a 6x6 lens I would suggest an affordable but
still great starting point would be the El-Nikkor 80mm f5.6. Do see if you
can find the more recent all black model with the illuminated scale.

Most importantly have fun!

HTH, Dan S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wong [mailto:mialop@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Subject: [OM] Any comment for Letiz 50mm F4.5 enlarge lens?

I know it's a crazy action in the digital era. Upon practice of self B&W
film development & self B&W photo printing in darkroom, I am very interested
for them. I have decided to setup a darkroom in my bathroom.

A friend who offer his Letiz 50mm F4.5 enlarge lens to me, but I'm not sure
is it good?

By the way, I also print out with 6x6 film, any enlarge lens recommended?



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