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[OM] Re: Southern Coyote Buttes

Subject: [OM] Re: Southern Coyote Buttes
From: "Barry B. Bean" <bbbean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:49:43 -0500
On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:19:59 -0400, wkato@xxxxxxx wrote:

>Hi group,
>Last year I went to Southern Utah/Northern Arizona called the Paria Plateau or 
>Vermillion Cliffs area.? There is an area in the north of this area called the 
>Wave but I didn't win the hiking ticket lottery 
so I went to Southern Coyote Buttes instead.

Its official. I've been spending too much time with my redneck buddies. I 
opened this message, fully expecting it to contain a recipe for missisippi 
style Coyote BBQ!

Barry B. Bean
Bean & Bean Cotton Company
Peach Orchard, MO

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