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[OM] Re: Personal Robbery Survey, was Re: Bags

Subject: [OM] Re: Personal Robbery Survey, was Re: Bags
From: hiwayman@xxxxxxx (Walt Wayman)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:23:33 +0000
Twice. While in college, I had a Pentax stolen from my 1957 Ford convertable 
when I left it in the front seat with the top down while I ran into a drug 
store for just a few seconds to buy a pack of cigarettes. Then, many years 
later, at Silver Springs, Florida, after a nice day enjoying the place, we came 
back to the parking lot to find the car cleaned out, even the kids' toys, 
including, of course, all my camera gear, except what I was carrying with me. 
That Spiratone 100/2.8 was a keeper. And so was my CIA T-shirt.

I don't sweat it anymore. Anytime I go out, I'm heeled and wary.


"Anything more than 500 yards from 
the car just isn't photogenic." -- 
Edward Weston

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Just curious about the thief business. After shooting for some forty  
> years the only camera equipment I have had stolen was "safely" stored  
> in my home. And this goes along with the lens protecting filters.
> I have never had an item stolen from my person when I was out or  
> traveling. I think I was stalked once by an apparent tag team in NY  
> City once, but we were alert enough notice, to change direction and  
> leave the neighborhood.
> Once during my lifetime I slipped on some ice and my Mamiya 7 went  
> flying and the impact with a rock made a tiny crack in the top plate.  
> Lens was fine. Filter did not help the top plate.  If I had had the  
> strap around my neck I probably would have just been bruised and the  
> camera fine. No other dropped cameras or lenses. A few scratches on  
> an ever ready case once caused by being mashed between a rock wall  
> and me on a narrow ledge.
> Are we not obsessing about stuff that does not happen much with  
> diaper bags or expensive camera bags that the owners seem to think do  
> not look like expensive camera bags because they are made out of  
> canvas? (Yeah, right!) Then again, maybe I am living in a fool's  
> paradise in carrying a regular camera bag selected for its efficiency  
> rather than its invisibility.
> Informal survey: There is a huge assemblage of photographic man years  
> here considering our recent age survey. How many people have had  
> their camera bags stolen while out any time in their life?  Negative  
> reports not needed because apparently your strategy worked.
> Anyone? Anyone at all?
> Winsor
> Long Beach, California, USA
> ==============================================
> List usage info:     http://www.zuikoholic.com
> List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx
> ==============================================

List usage info:     http://www.zuikoholic.com
List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx

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