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[OM] Proposal for Semi-annual List Print Exchange

Subject: [OM] Proposal for Semi-annual List Print Exchange
From: "om2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <om2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:03:55 -0500
Bob Gries and I did much of the organization for the semi-annual print
exchange a few years ago.  I did the spreadsheet/database management and
the pairings.  He sent out the emails.

I'd be willing to organize such an endeavor again if the list wants.  I can
establish a unique email address for everyone to send their participation
requests.  I can also dig out the old spreadsheet and the methodology for
administration.  I can also easily host a gallery of the images on my
Smugmug.com site, but I'm not doing any scanning, all the image would have
to come digital.  

Is anyone else up for such an event?

I'd suggest that the prints be 8x10 or larger, mounted or unmounted.  Taken
with Olympus cameras or lenses, make/model unimportant.

We could make it an every-six-months-event, which is pretty manageable. 


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