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[OM] Re: (OT) Reading digital media

Subject: [OM] Re: (OT) Reading digital media
From: Tom A <olympus_user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 08:06:42 -0600
Andrew McPhee wrote:

>I am wondering what is the best way to download images from a digital media 
>card - should I simply plug the camera into my PC via USB cord (which is my 
>usual method) or should I ditch all the cords and buy myself a card reader?
>Would repeated removing/inserting a card have an adverse effect on the 
>contacts inside the camera?
In my opinion, the only time a card should be removed from a camera is 
when it is full, and you need to switch cards to take more photos. 

Although the contacts on both the camera and card are rated perhaps in 
the "1,000s" or even "millions" of uses, the potential for damage to the 
card due error is greater than the potential for damage to the camera.

Causes of memory loss or card damage can be due to removing a card when 
it is being written to, inserting when the camera is on, static 
electricity, or damage due to flexing of the media, such as SD, MMC, or 
Smartmedia.  All these things can happen to even the most experienced 
person, especially when one is in a hurry.

If a laptop is too bulky to carry if you need to dump pictures in the 
field, I have seen portable hard drive devices advertised for just that 
purpose, which take up much less space.  More $$$ to spend, but how much 
are your photos worth?

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