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[OM] Re: Cosgrove Northamptonshire

Subject: [OM] Re: Cosgrove Northamptonshire
From: Marc Lawrence <mlawrence@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 11:35:55 +1100
> Jim.Timpe@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Your image has particularly poignant significance for me 
> today.  It was almost 1 year ago to the hour that my dad
> passed away... I inherited my love of photography from him.
> I'm indebted to you for helping me cope with my
> thoughts and emotions today.

Jim, my father died a year ago on May 11 (and my grandfather,
my mum's dad, in October of the same thing, prostate cancer -
I think I need to see something in that cause...hmmmm). I didn't
inherit a love of photography from Dad (I have inherited
several cameras from my grandfathers however), but he began to
"inherit" one from me, and of the wealth of regrets available
since he died, the one I regret most is the opportunity for
us to have done that photography together. [sigh] 

I did get an idea from him on where my photographic goals
should predominantly lie - documenting "family" and people
(and that they're possibly mutually inclusive...which is
just another aspect of those last days that he emphasised).
The other therapy that has helped me is documenting
parts of "home" (in this case, actually the beach and
surrounds of Stockton, generally on a semi-"macro" scale
of flotsam and jetsam). They're not the best of photos,
but like the lump of coal that sits on my shelf at work
(collected from the beach), the details mean something
to me.

(Also, for those folks who might remember, you were all right
about that photo I did of Mum and Dad - the "natural" one
printed looked far better than the one with the painterly effect
applied, and, framed with a beige matte (white bevel) and blonde
wooden frame, mum loved it on her 60th (September last year), but
I framed and kept the other one for myself, and it's okay.)

OM Content - most of my favourite and framed family photos were
taken with the OM1 and 50/1.4, from amongst my other-brand
gear-head collection. (Hmmm, there;s something in *that* for me
too, hey? :) )

Sydney, Oz

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