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Re: [OM] If you could...

Subject: Re: [OM] If you could...
From: "Earl Dunbar" <edunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:49:56 -0400
If you hadn't stated US only, I'd say somewhere within your preferred driving 
distance of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.  It's not "almost heaven"... it IS 
heaven.  Body of water?  Outside of salt they don't get any bigger than 
Superior.  Meebe da UP, yah?  (Upper Peninsula, Michigan).

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On 10/14/2003 at 8:22 AM AG Schnozz wrote:

>Full-time it on the road, but still have some low-cost housing
>to land in a few weeks of the year, where would it be?
>1. Must be in the Lower-48 states (USA only).
>2. Must be within reasonable driving distance (hour or so) of a
>decent medical/business community.  (gotta get your teeth
>cleaned once in a while).
>3. No corn fields.
>4. Close to hiking/fishing/canoeing.
>5. Close to really good photographic opportunities.
>6. Low property tax.
>7. Prefer mountains or major body of water.
>8. Prefer reasonable distance from Interstate Highway.
>9. Low-crime.
>Usual time of living in said location:  December-January and
>An example would be the Duluth, MN region (as far east as the
>Porcupines).  Wintertime skiing and other snow activities.
>Summertime is bugfest, but unmatched.  Someplace in Colorado or
>Wyoming (near the factory?) would also be acceptable.
>Again, an operative word is INEXPENSIVE!  Low maintanance is
>good too.  But not soo inexpensive as to be junk.  Primary
>residence would be a diesel powered bohemeth.
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