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RE: [OM] Please post FS, WTB, eBay, and similar messages

Subject: RE: [OM] Please post FS, WTB, eBay, and similar messages
From: William Clark <wclark@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:11:13 -0500
I agree, there is not reason NOT to buy and sell and ebay here.  I am on
other lists than ban this.  I find this the probably the most friendly and
informative list I have ever participated in.  I do not understand the
rationale for not wanting to sell to list members.  Keep it up I say.


-----Original Message-----
From: Barry B. Bean [mailto:bbbean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: March 21, 2002 4:15 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Please post FS, WTB, eBay, and similar messages

I guess this list is doomed to repeat this same thread every 6
months. In the 4 years or so that I've been on the list, we have
repeatedly established a consensus that buying and selling Olympus
gear is on-topic and appropriate for the list. 

And yet somehow, as soon as the furor dies down, it seems as if
someone new to the list is raising the battle flag against a seller,
and we're back at it again.

The wheel's been invented folks. And we have a listowner who could
bar such posts if he wanted. Is it too much to ask that you just skip
the messages you're not interested in without imposing your will on
those of us who do scan the list for price info, new gear, deals, or
use FS posts to spawn new threads?

B.B. Bean                                       bbbean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bean & Bean Cotton Co
Peach Orchard, MO

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