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RE: [OM] 18/3.5

Subject: RE: [OM] 18/3.5
From: "Olaf Greve" <o.greve@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:45:40 +0100

> Yes. When I move the focusing ring further to the infinity mark, the lens
> is clearly out of focus.

So the focus is indeed off... It may be difficult/expensive to have it
repaired due to its complex design and the IF (then again: maybe it's
not...). Does the lens still focus to its closest focus distance (0.25m)? If
so, there may not be a great need to have the lens checked out.


PS: I forgot to congratulate you on the find of that lens, it's a true OM
beauty, so enjoy it! :)

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