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Re: [OM] Open Letter to Olympus

Subject: Re: [OM] Open Letter to Olympus
From: dlau@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 15:00:38 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:40, ClassicVW@xxxxxxx wrote:
>I think we all buy used gear because there isn't that much available new. And 
>what's new isn't "new" (as in- just released by the manufacturer). So, for 
>the most part, what IS available new is also available on the used market for 
>far less cost. [snip]

I'll have to agree.  I've said it before and I'll say it again
-- we, as a group, are the worst enemy of Olympus.  EVERY time
someone asks "should I buy an OM2000 or an OM-1", the answer
from this group has ALWAYS been "buy a used OM-1".  Granted the
OM2000 is not really an Olympus design, but it is a new release
from Olympus.  It seems that our collective wish is for the
OM2000 to fail, and it will, because WE don't buy it.  The other
recommendations from this group consistantly is to buy used,
"for far less cost".

So what is the message we are giving to Olympus??? -- there is no
market for good (read expensive) new OM photographic gear.  Even
the die-hard OM users/supporters out there are not buying new
stuff from Olympus.

But let me suggest a different scenario, supposed we all go out
and buy a brand new OM2000 (or several if you like).  THEN we
ask Olympus to bring out a superior model so all OM2000 users
can have an upgrade path (maybe a re-tooled OM-1n or OM-2sp, or
maybe even an OM-5 or OM-6).  This will be much more acceptable
to Olympus and it will make them think twice about abandoning
the OM SLR line.

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