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[OM] 1990-1991 Outdoor Photograher

Subject: [OM] 1990-1991 Outdoor Photograher
From: Ken Norton <image66@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 10:07:50 -0700 (PDT)
I've been digging through a stack of 10-year-old
magazines (hey, I've been busy, it takes me a while to
get to them <g>), and noticing the concentration of OM
equipment used by wildlife/nature photographers at
that time.

I'm reminded that just prior to the AF revolution the
OM system with the 350/2.8 and moterdrive-2 was the
hot ticket as it was not only fast, but quiet.

Anyway, it is a pleasure to see lots of beautiful OM
equipment in print--even if the mags are a decade old.
 However, it is quite useful to relearn the techniques
that evolved for that equipment.  In our AF world
today we often try to put our OM's in a square hole,
when in reality we must relearn our technique to
master the technology.

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