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Re: [OM] Toys

Subject: Re: [OM] Toys
From: Joel Wilcox <jowilcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:16:37 -0500
Hi Paul,

At 12:32 AM 6/26/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Also just blew a roll on the OM-1 back from CLA at Camtech. Golly. 
>It's going to take a while to go back to basics and forget the 
>illusory extra control that the spotmeter in the 2s gives me, but I 
>love the feel of this camera! It's in perfect running order now, the 
>film advance is a kinesthetic joy, and the discreet "k'thik" of the 
>shutter is so much cleaner than the 2s sound -- it's
>hard to describe, but just very sweet. Thanks, John!

"Cleaner?"  That's like saying a string quartet is cleaner than an
orchestra.  Who wants to have to choose?  <g>

Joel ("you can't own too many OM-2S's") Wilcox
Iowa City, Iowa USA

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