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Re: [OM] OM5?

Subject: Re: [OM] OM5?
From: Matthias Wilke <Matthias.K.Wilke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 15:14:08 +0200
Hi all,

I have nothing against the offering of the OM-3 Ti, OM-4 Ti and even a much
more expensive OM-5 Ti for people who doesn't need to care for their money
or collectors and I have nothing against an OM-2000 by a third party
manufacturer, if the quality is o.k. and the price is fair. But to take the
product range seriously, Olympus HAS TO offer a camera like or similar to
the old OM-2n for the price of the Nikon FM2. This is because the used
market for this price range seems to be sold out by fans and collectors and
at some time every camera stops working.

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